Highlights of the Saga, De Agostini tarafından yayımlanan Star Wars Helmet Collection dergisi içinde bir departmandır.[1]
Kaynakça[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]
Star Wars Helmet Collection 1 (Highlights of the Saga: Duel in Cloud City)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 2 (Highlights of the Saga: The Capture of Han Solo)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 3 (Highlights of the Saga: Escape to Tatooine)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 4 (Highlights of the Saga: The Battle of Yavin)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 5 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 6 (Highlights of the Saga: Battle in the Asteroid Field)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 7 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 8 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 9 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 10 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 11 (Highlights of the Saga: Anakin's Tragedy)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 12 (Highlights of the Saga: The Death Star Project)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 13 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 14 (Highlights of the Saga: Constructing the Second Death Star)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 15 (Highlights of the Saga: Palpatine Unmasked)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 16 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 17 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 18 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 19 (Highlights of the Saga: The Death of Jabba the Hutt)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 20 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 21 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 22 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 23 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 24 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 25 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 26 (Highlights of the Saga: Fall of the Malevolence)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 27 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 28 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 29 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 30 (Highlights of the Saga: The Betrayal of Captain Argyus)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 31 (Highlights of the Saga: Assault on Starkiller Base)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 32 (Highlights of the Saga: Attack of the Wampa)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 33 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 34 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 35 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 36 (Highlights of the Saga: Attack on Jabba's Palace)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 37 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 38 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 39 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 40 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 41 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 42 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 43 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 44 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 45 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 46 (Highlights of the Saga: The Hunt for Luke Skywalker)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 47 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 48 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 49 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 50 (Highlights of the Saga: The Search for Lor San Tekka)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 51 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 52 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 53 (Highlights of the Saga: Operation Yellow Moon)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 54 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 55 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 56 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 57 (Highlights of the Saga: Leaving Skystrike)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 58 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 59 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 60 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 61 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 62 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 63 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 64 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 65 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 66 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 67 (Highlights of the Saga: Birth of the Blade Wing)
Star Wars Helmet Collection 68 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 69 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 70 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 71 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 72 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 73 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 74 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 75 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 76 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 77 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 78 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 79 (Highlights of the Saga: )
Star Wars Helmet Collection 80 (Highlights of the Saga: )